5 Gallon Moonshine Recipe

5 Gallon Moonshine Recipe

Are you ready to make your first five-gallon moonshine recipe? Check out our guide with everything you need to get started. 

What is Moonshine?




Moonshine, also known as white lightning or hooch, is a strong and potent alcoholic beverage that is often associated with backwoods distilling.

It is traditionally made in small quantities and without government regulation, giving it a rebellious and clandestine reputation.

Moonshine is typically produced using a still, a device used in the distillation process to separate alcohol from other substances.


The end result is a high-proof spirit that can vary in flavor and strength depending on the ingredients used and the skill of the distiller.


Moonshine has a rich and colorful history, often associated with bootlegging during prohibition in the United States. Today, it continues to be produced by hobbyists and enthusiasts seeking to make their own homemade spirits.

From classic corn-based recipes to fruit-infused variations, moonshine allows for creativity and experimentation in the world of homemade spirits.


The History of Moonshine




During the Great Depression, Prohibition in the United States led to a surge in the production and consumption of illegal alcohol. This period gave rise to a unique form of homemade liquor known as moonshine.


Moonshine production became prevalent in the remote Appalachian regions due to its abundance of naturally growing crops such as corn and barley.


The term "moonshine" originated from the clandestine nature of the activity. Illegal distilleries were often hidden in the dark of night, illuminated only by the light of the moon. This secretive process led to the name "moonshine," which quickly became synonymous with homemade, illicitly produced alcohol.


The popularity of moonshine skyrocketed alongside the rise of speakeasies and underground drinking establishments.


Bootleggers would smuggle moonshine into these hidden venues, supplying patrons with sought-after, if not dangerous, spirits.

Prohibition ended in 1933, but the demand for moonshine continued to thrive due to its affordability and potency. Though no longer illegal, the tradition of homemade moonshine remains deeply ingrained in Appalachian culture.

Today, moonshine is no longer limited to its traditional form. Flavored moonshines have gained popularity, with homemade recipes expanding to include ingredients such as fruits and spices.

Yet, the rich history and deep-rooted traditions of moonshine production still hold a prominent place in American folklore and the spirits industry.


Benefits of Making Your Own Moonshine



Making your own moonshine comes with a plethora of benefits that go far beyond simply saving money compared to buying commercial spirits.


One of the biggest advantages of homemade moonshine is the ability to customize the flavors to your liking.


Whether you prefer a smooth and classic whiskey taste or a fruity and vibrant punch, you have the freedom to experiment with different ingredients and techniques until you find the perfect combination.


In addition to the creative freedom, making moonshine can be an incredibly fun and rewarding hobby.


It allows you to delve into the world of distillation and learn about the fermentation process, the distillation process, and how different ingredients and proportions can impact the final product.

It's a hands-on experience that connects you directly to the craft of creating your own high-quality liquor.


Using a five-gallon still offers even more advantages. With a larger batch size, you can produce a substantial amount of moonshine in one go.



This is especially useful if you want to share your creation with friends and family or if you're looking to stock up for a special occasion.


Moreover, a five-gallon still has the potential for higher alcohol content, allowing you to create moonshine with a kick that will satisfy even the most discerning palate.


The benefits of making your own moonshine are many. From the ability to customize flavors to the satisfaction of creating your own liquor, it's a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that allows you to explore your creativity and have a great time in the process.


So gather your ingredients, fire up your five-gallon still, and get ready to embark on a flavorful journey into the world of homemade moonshine.


Materials and Equipment Needed for a Five-gallon Still



When it comes to making moonshine with a five-gallon still, there are a few key materials and equipment that you will need in order to get started.

We recommend our moonshine starter kit, which haves everything you need to get started making moonshine. 

Our Starter kit includes: 

  • Five-gallon moonshine Kettle
  • Moonshine Paddle
  • Hydrometer
  • Moonshine thermometer
  • Cheesecloth

First and foremost, you will need a five-gallon container or still. At How to Moonshine, we suggest The Standard All-in-One Reflux still. Our reflux still is simple to assemble and run making it a great option for any experience level.




The Standard is electric, so distillation is a breeze and doesn't require an additional heat source. The Standard is also both a fermentor and a still, which saves you not only money but also valuable storage space. 


The Best Ingredients for Moonshine

Additionally, you will need gallons of water, which will be used throughout the process. To kickstart the fermentation process, you will need pounds of sugar and some sort of fermentable grain, such as malted barley or corn meal.

Distillers yeast is also crucial for converting the sugar into alcohol. As for the distillation process, you will need a heat source, such as a propane burner or an electric stove, to bring your mash to a boil.

Lastly, you will need some sort of distillation equipment, we suggest one of our craft stills, to separate the alcohol from the mash.

With these materials and equipment in hand, you will be well on your way to crafting your own homemade moonshine in a five-gallon still.




The Fermenter/Still is an essential component in the moonshine-making process. It serves multiple purposes, including storing the mash during the fermentation period and acting as the still during the distillation process.


Finding an all-in-one solution, like The Standard or Magnum, is a great option to save both money and storage space. 


During fermentation, the fermenter plays a crucial role in converting sugar into alcohol. By combining gallons of water, pounds of sugar, and other moonshine ingredients such as malted barley or corn meal, a fermentation container is filled with a gallon batch known as the mash.

Additionally, yeast, often in the form of distillers yeast or a package of bread yeast, is added to kickstart the fermentation process.

Once the mash is prepared, it is stored in the fermenter for a period of time, usually around 2-3 hours, to allow the fermentation process to take place.

During this time, the yeast consumes the fermentable sugar, producing alcohol as a byproduct. The alcohol content is typically measured by gravity readings, which determine the alcohol percentage.

After fermentation, the fermenter is repurposed as the still for the distillation process. The mash is heated using a heat source, and the alcohol vapor is captured and cooled using an immersion chiller. This condenses the vapor, resulting in the production of moonshine.

The Fermenter/Still is vital for creating the smoothest whiskey and a variety of flavored moonshines. Whether using rainwater, tap water, or additional water to fill the gallon bucket, the quality of the moonshine greatly depends on the fermentation and distillation process facilitated by the fermenter/still.

It is important to note that moonshine-making is subject to legal restrictions and caution should be exercised when using distillation equipment, especially for non-commercial purposes.


Potable Water Source



Having a potable water source is of utmost importance when it comes to making moonshine. This is because potable water is necessary for creating a safe and clean fermentation environment, ensuring both the quality and purity of the final product.

When considering a potable water source for your moonshine recipes, there are several options available. 

Another option is to use tap water, which is readily accessible in most households. However, it is crucial to ensure that the tap water is free from contaminants such as chlorine or heavy metals. These impurities can negatively affect the fermentation process and ultimately the taste and quality of the moonshine.


A great option is to distill your water using your moonshine still before you use it in your recipe. 


Alternatively, commercially sourced spring water is also a viable option for a potable water source. This type of water is often filtered and treated to remove any potential contaminants, making it ideal for creating a clean fermentation environment.

Regardless of the potable water source you choose, it is essential to prioritize the quality and purity of the water used in your moonshine recipes.

By selecting a water source that is free from contaminants, you can ensure that your fermentation process is safe and clean and ultimately results in a high-quality moonshine.


Heat Source



When it comes to distilling moonshine, a reliable heat source is essential for the distillation process.


The heat source is responsible for heating the liquid in the still, causing the alcohol to vaporize and separate from other components.


There are various types of heat sources that moonshiners can utilize to achieve the desired result.


One of the biggest benefits of The Standard, our all-in-one 5-gallon reflux still, is its built-in electric heat source.


The easy-to-use temperature dial makes it simple to control heat during distillation.


Not having to purchase an additional heat source also saves you valuable money. 

One common and effective heat source is a propane burner. Propane burners provide a consistent and intense flame, allowing for precise temperature control during the distillation process. They are easy to use and can efficiently heat large amounts of liquid in a pot still.

Electric heating elements are another popular option for moonshine distillation. They come in different wattages, allowing users to adjust the heat output as needed.


Electric heating elements offer convenience and stability, making them a reliable choice for both beginners and experienced moonshiners.


Overall, the choice of heat source for moonshine distillation depends on personal preferences and the specific setup. Whichever option is chosen, it is crucial to ensure that the heat source is capable of providing consistent and controlled heat to achieve a successful distillation process.


Immersion Chiller (optional)




An immersion chiller is an optional tool that can greatly enhance the moonshine-making process. While not essential, it is a popular choice among experienced distillers looking to achieve the smoothest end product.

So how does the immersion chiller work? Well, after the distillation process is complete, the distilled liquid needs to be cooled down before it can be enjoyed. This is where the immersion chiller comes in.

The immersion chiller is a device that is submerged directly into the hot distilled liquid. As cold water circulates through it, the chiller rapidly cools down the liquid.

This rapid cooling process has a few benefits.

First, it helps to preserve the delicate flavors and aromas of the moonshine. By cooling down the liquid quickly, any potential off-flavors or harsh notes that could develop from prolonged exposure to heat are minimized.

Second, the immersion chiller helps to clarify the liquid further, removing any remaining impurities that may have been present in the distillation process.

Finally, using an immersion chiller can significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for the moonshine to cool down. This means you can start enjoying your homemade concoction sooner!

While an immersion chiller is optional, it can be a valuable addition to your moonshine-making setup, particularly if you are looking to produce the smoothest and most refined end product.


Ingredients Needed for a Five Gallon Batch of Moonshine



Moonshine, also known as homemade whiskey, has been a popular spirit for centuries. Making moonshine requires a combination of grains, sugar, and yeast to produce a high-alcohol content liquid.

For a five-gallon batch of moonshine, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Gallons of water: You will need five gallons of water, which can be sourced from rainwater, tap water, or distilled water to ensure purity.
  2. Pounds of sugar: The sugar acts as the fermentable sugar that the yeast will convert into alcohol. A typical recipe calls for around 10-15 pounds of sugar.
  3. Pounds of cornmeal and malted barley: These grains will provide the necessary enzymes for converting the starches in the grains and sugar into alcohol. You will need around 5-10 pounds, depending on your preference.
  4. Distillers yeast: Choose a yeast specifically designed for distilling to achieve the desired alcohol content. Use around one package of distillers yeast or 15 grams of bread yeast.
  5. Additional water: You will need additional water to create the mash and during the fermentation process. This water is separate from the initial five gallons and is used to dissolve the sugar and mix the grains.

It's essential to note that moonshine recipes can vary widely, and some may include other ingredients like fruit juices or flavorings to create flavored moonshine.

How Much of Moonshine Will 5 Gallons of Mash Make? 

For a 5-gallon mash recipe, the yield will be about 3 quarts on average of 130 proof. Once you proof it down for consumption, the yield will be around 1 to 2 gallons of moonshine depending on how high you want your proof for drinking.

How Many Pounds of Sugar to Make 5 Gallons of Mash?

A 5-gallon of mash requires 5 pounds of white sugar when using 5 pounds of corn which will yield a 15% finished product of 5 gallons or 3 quarts. After fermenting and distilling, enjoy up to 1 to 2 gallons of 130 proof moonshine. With the right ingredients, you can enjoy your moonshine in no time.

 Water For Moonshine



To prepare five gallons of water for your moonshine mash, you will need to start by sourcing soft, filtered water.

This ensures that the water is free from any impurities that might affect the fermentation process and the final product.

Tap water can be used, as long as it is filtered or treated with an appropriate water conditioner. Alternatively, you can use distilled water, which guarantees purity.


Using The Standard to distill your water before making your mash is a cost-effective way to get started. 


Begin by collecting 5 gallons of the chosen water in a clean and sanitized container. This container should be large enough to accommodate the water and allow for mixing with the other ingredients later in the process.

It is essential to use soft water for the moonshine mash.


Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, can negatively impact yeast activity and produce off-flavors in the final product.


Soft water, on the other hand, creates a more ideal environment for fermentation.

Once you have gathered the 5 gallons of soft, filtered water, you are ready to proceed with the next steps of the moonshine recipe.

Remember to handle all ingredients and equipment with proper hygiene to maintain the quality of your homemade moonshine.


8-10 Pounds of Sugar or Corn Meal (or combination)




To begin the creation of a flavorful moonshine batch, you will require a generous amount of 8-10 pounds of sugar or corn meal, or even a combination of both. The exact quantity of sugar or corn meal you use will depend on the desired alcohol content you aim to achieve.


Experimentation with different ratios of sugar and cornmeal can result in varying alcohol percentages, flavors, and textures, allowing you to craft a moonshine that suits your taste preferences perfectly.


For those looking to enhance the fermentation process and produce a smoother end product, the addition of malted barley or calcium carbonate can be considered.

Malted barley provides additional fermentable sugars and adds a depth of flavor to the final moonshine, while calcium carbonate helps to balance the pH levels in the mash, ensuring optimal yeast activity.

To optimize the fermentation process, it is crucial to utilize distillers yeast. This specialized yeast strain is specifically engineered for alcohol production and can greatly improve the efficiency of the fermentation process. It converts the sugars present in the mash into alcohol, creating the desired alcoholic content in your moonshine.

Remember to always follow the instructions and take safety precautions while handling flammable materials during the entire moonshine process. 

With the right ingredients and techniques, you can create your very own homemade moonshine that rivals the smoothest whiskey and flavored moonshines on the market.

2-3 Pounds Malted Barley (optional)



For those looking to elevate their moonshine recipe, an optional ingredient to consider is 2-3 pounds of malted barley. Malted barley serves as a valuable addition to the fermentation process and aids in converting starches into fermentable sugars.

During the malting process, barley grains are soaked in water and allowed to germinate. This activates enzymes within the grains, which break down complex starches into simpler sugars.


These sugars are then easily fermented by the yeast, resulting in a higher alcohol content in your moonshine.


By opting for malted barley in your moonshine recipe, you can achieve a smoother and more flavorful end result. Experiment with different ratios and combinations of ingredients to find the perfect balance for your taste preferences. 

Cheers to homemade moonshine that stands out from the rest!

Calcium Carbonate (Chalk, optional)




In addition to the traditional ingredients used in moonshine recipes, such as malted barley and sugar, you also have the option to include Calcium Carbonate, also known as chalk, in your mash.


While it is an optional ingredient, Calcium Carbonate can play a crucial role in ensuring the success of your moonshine batch.


One of the functions of Calcium Carbonate is to help adjust the pH level of the mash. This is important because maintaining the correct pH can prevent souring and create an ideal environment for yeast fermentation. By adding the correct amount of Calcium Carbonate, you can ensure that the pH remains within the optimal range throughout the fermentation process.

To incorporate Calcium Carbonate into your moonshine recipe, simply add the desired amount to your mash during the preparation process.

Start by adding a small amount and then adjust according to your pH readings. It's important to note that the exact amount needed may vary depending on the specific characteristics of your mash.

While Calcium Carbonate is not a mandatory ingredient, it can be a valuable addition to your moonshine recipe. It helps in adjusting the pH level of your mash and preventing any unwanted souring.

Experiment with different proportions and observe how it affects the flavor and quality of your final product.

Distillers Yeast


Distillers yeast plays a crucial role in the moonshine-making process as it is responsible for converting fermentable sugars into alcohol through the process known as fermentation.


This key ingredient is specifically chosen for its ability to efficiently convert sugars, resulting in a higher alcohol content and a better-tasting moonshine.


Our distiller's high-quality yeast produces robust, authentic whiskey aromatics, even in high-alcohol fermentations. Experience the nuances of American whiskey from your home distillery with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. 

Our carefully cultured distillery yeast produces a distinct flavor that adds delicious aromas and flavors to your still! Whether you're making a large batch or a small one, choose our yeast to guarantee your final product offers a peak flavor experience!

It's essential to note that the exact amount of yeast required may vary depending on factors such as the specific recipe, desired alcohol content, and environmental conditions.


It is always recommended to follow the instructions provided with the specific yeast brand or consult with experienced moonshine makers for optimal results.


Incorporating distillers yeast, such as the Red Star brand, into your moonshine recipe is a crucial step in the fermentation process. Choosing a reliable yeast ensures a successful conversion of sugars into alcohol, resulting in a flavorful and smooth moonshine.


Prepare the Mash for Fermentation



Preparing the mash for fermentation is a crucial step in the moonshine-making process. To begin, gather your ingredients, including 5 pounds of sugar and 1-2 gallons of malt grain. The malt grain provides important enzymes that convert the starches in the grains into fermentable sugars.

To start, dissolve the sugar in warm water. It's recommended to use 1-2 gallons of warm water to ensure the sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Stir the mixture until all the sugar is well incorporated.

Next, gradually add the malt grain to the mixture while stirring continuously. It's essential to maintain a consistent temperature to facilitate the conversion of starches into sugars. The warm water ensures proper enzyme activity.

In addition to the malt grain and sugar, you can also experiment with other grains such as corn meal or barley to add depth and complexity to your moonshine recipe. The combination of grains will affect the flavor profile of the final product.

Once all the ingredients are mixed, transfer the mash to a fermentation container. Ensure that the container is clean and sanitized to avoid any contamination.


It's important to leave some headspace in the container as the fermentation process produces carbon dioxide.


Cover the fermentation container with a lid or airlock to allow gas to escape while preventing any outside contaminants from entering. Place the container in a cool, dark area with a consistent temperature.

Let the mash ferment for approximately one week or until the bubbling produced by the yeast subsides. This usually indicates that the fermentation process is complete.


Throughout the fermentation process, it's crucial to monitor the gravity readings and ensure that the alcohol percentage is within the desired range.


The gravity readings will help you determine the progress of fermentation and can be measured with a hydrometer or refractometer.

Following these steps will help you create a successful mash for fermentation and set the foundation for a smooth and flavorful moonshine. However, it's always recommended to consult experienced moonshine makers or reputable resources for optimal results.